FundraiserCourtesy National Museum of Computing

It is my unpleasant task, every decade or so, to hold an irregular Confined Space fundraiser.

As you all know, I am retired and spend much of my free time writing Confined Space.  While I am happy to contribute the labor (it keeps me out of trouble), there are occasional expenses: web hosting and related services, a few useful newsletter subscriptions, occasional meetings and conferences — and now, it’s time for a new computer. This one was born during the Obama administration, when Donald Trump was still a reality show host,  and when many of you were still children. It’s now on its last legs. I doubt it will last until the President’s Day sales or the next Black Friday/Cyber Monday.

As always, if you don’t have anything to spare, please don’t contribute. If you are one of my regular monthly contributors, thank you and your job is done. If you’d rather contribute to an important Senate or House race, do that instead.  If you hate everything I write, feel free to leave hate-mail in the comments below (along with a large contribution).

In return, I promise not to send you yet another T-Shirt or hat. You’ll have to settle for my eternal gratitude– which takes up less space in your closet.

And I promise not to have another fundraiser for at least two years. And I’m not tax-deductible.

How to donate

Check out the “Tip Jar” with PayPal link on the upper right hand column. If you don’t do PayPal, I accept checks, cash and gold bars. Email me for my mailing address.

And thank you for reading.

(Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving.)

One thought on “Confined Space Holiday Fundraiser”
  1. Jordan: I am glad to help out with the necessary new computer and just made a PayPal donation. Also, please do not forget to ask me for new photos to illustrate future columns on workplace heat stress & climate change, low-wage job hazards, fall protection, organizing with an H&S message, etc. I appreciated your recent 55th Farmington Anniversary piece by Tony Oppregard. That tragedy set me on my own path documenting hazardous work by the early 1970s. Your columns keep energizing my workplace-related photography at my now tender age of 80. Thanks so much for your meaningful Confined Space columns over many decades now, Earl Dotter

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