federal employees

It’s been hard to keep up and keep track of the barrage of Executive Orders (EOs) issued by President Trump in his first few hours and week in office.

A promise of massive deportations; ending birthright citizenship; withdrawing our nation from the World Health Organization and the Paris Climate Accord; expunging diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in our government agencies; cancelling federal advisory committee meetings; halting most outgoing communications, travel, and grant reviews among agencies;  threatening to end the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); a federal hiring freeze…

He calls is “shock and awe.”  I call it an assault on our nation’s health and wellbeing, our democracy, and our standing in the world community.

Every single one of these EOs can have a negative impact on worker health and safety.  But here are two also  that merit our attention: 1) the order to return to the office and terminate remote work for federal employees and 2) the creation of a new category of federal workers (Schedule F).

Terminating Remote Work Arrangements

The EO reads as follows: “Heads of all departments and agencies in the executive branch of Government shall, as soon as practicable, take all necessary steps to terminate remote work arrangements and require employees to return to work in-person at their respective duty stations on a full-time basis, provided that the department and agency heads shall make exemptions they deem necessary.”

Full-time remote work among federal workers is not widespread, despite what the President says. Only about 10% work remotely full-time; the rest follow a hybrid model, working part-time in the office.  According to the Office of Personnel Management, 54% of civilian workers employed by the federal government work entirely in person. That’s a far cry from the 6% figure noted in the President’s Jan 25, 2025 America First Priorities document.

Some unionized federal workers are pushing back, noting that the order would violate existing contracts that allow telework (see here, here). And some lawmakers are also speaking out, questioning the true motives behind the order and noting that telework is an important tool that can improve productivity, customer service, and recruitment and retention of workers. And the order may not be so easy to implement. Read more reflections and responses to this issue here, here, here, here).

What the Heck Is Schedule F?

Schedule F is a new category, or schedule, of federal workers. It reclassifies thousands of federal employees as political hires. This essentially strips them of codified civil service protections, like being hired and fired based on merit and having the ability to appeal disciplinary action.

Schedule F makes it easier to remove workers deemed insufficiently loyal to the Trump administration.

Two issues of note: 1) the majority of federal civil service employees are covered by these codified job protections and 2) Schedule F brings back a policy from  the first Trump Administration, which had been overturned by President Biden.

It’s no secret that President Trump is no fan of the federal bureaucracy. Schedule F is his weapon of war with the so-called “deep state.” And another step on the road to authoritarianism.  If upheld by the courts, this change could lead to a political purge mid-level federal workers who play critical roles in the policymaking process. Read more here, here.

A Brief Primer on the Civil Service

The U.S. civil service system was created in 1883 with the passage of The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act following the assassination of President James Garfield by a disappointed job seeker. The law was meant to ensure that government jobs were awarded based on merit rather than political connections or favoritism.

It emerged primarily in response to the “spoils system,” which gave government positions to supporters of winning candidates or parties.  The civil service system was designed to create a more stable, impartial, and professional government workforce that operated in the public interest rather than serving political agendas.

Initially, the Pendleton Act applied to only about 10% of federal jobs, but over time, the scope of the system expanded and now includes most government positions.

Why Should We Care About These Two Presidential Orders?

Well, partly in solidarity with our federally-employed brothers and sisters, who may work remotely but help ensure the provision of a host of services and benefits on a daily basis  – from public health and medical care to environmental protection and  workplace safety standards.

And partly because a non-political civil service is vital for the effective functioning of our government. Here are a few reasons why we don’t want to just discard the current civil service system:

  • It provides consistency and stability, ensuring continuity of government operations regardless of changes in political leadership.
  • It delivers services regardless of citizens’ political affiliation.
  • It helps ensure that government decisions and action are based on merit and evidence, not political bias or political parties.
  • It is staffed by career professionals who possess specialized knowledge, skills and experience which may be lacking in political appointees.
  • Basically, it acts as a backbone for good governance, protecting democratic values, and ensuring the smooth operation of government functions.

All, or most of these advantages would be lost if these dedicated federal government employees are not replaced, or are replaced by political appointees without the knowledge or expertise needed to run the federal government and execute the laws as Congress intended.

My Bottom Line

Our federal service system may not be perfect. But it is far better than staffing our agencies with political appointees who may lack qualifications and will come and go as administrations change.

And it seems unwise and maybe even unlawful to terminate all remote work arrangements. This could result in the loss of career staff who help ensure stability, continuity, and our own health and well-being. Their ability to work remotely for some portion of their time helps ensure retention and recruitment. It will be hard for our government to compete with the private sector for talent, where the opportunity for remote work is an attractive option for many.

So, as arcane and uninteresting as these two new executive orders may appear, they matter. They will have real impacts, not just on affected federal workers, but on we the people.  I’m hoping that pushback from the unionized federal workforce and concerned members of the public will force a withdrawal of these anti-worker policies, but I’m not holding my breath.

So let’s at least make an effort to recognize, appreciate, and thank our federal workers for what they do. If these orders prevail, they will need our support.  In the meantime, stay well, stay safe, keep informed, and stay tuned.



By Kathleen Rest

Kathleen Rest is the former Executive Director of the Union of Concerned Scientists. She is currently a Board member of the Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics (AOEC) and The Institute for Policy Integrity at NYU.

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