Hurricanes and the Chemical Industry: Houston Chronicle Explores the Hazards We’re Facing
The New York Times discussed yesterday how prepared the chemical industry is for natural disasters like Hurricane Harvey. Today the…
A newsletter of workplace safety and labor issues
The New York Times discussed yesterday how prepared the chemical industry is for natural disasters like Hurricane Harvey. Today the…
I have a feeling we ain’t seen nothing yet about the effects of Hurricane Harvey on the chemical industry in…
The Department of Labor yesterday announced a number of initiatives to address the impact of Hurricane Harvey. Among those was…
Cable news and newspapers across the country are headlining the continuing explosions at the Arkema chemical plant in Crosby, Texas,…
The rain finally seems to be stopping in Texas, but the struggles there are just beginning as the huge job…
Good news! The House Appropriations Committee released its FY 2018 Interior and Environment Appropriations budget bill today and it fully…
The House Appropriations Committee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies will hold a mark-up on Wednesday, July 12 on the…
If you haven’t yet done so, it’s time to do so. And if you have done so, do it again:…
So what’s going on here? OSHA investigates second fatal explosion in a month at Barbour Co., WV plant ARDEN, W.Va.…
America, we have a problem. And it promises to get worse. 2 Killed in Explosion at West Virginia Industrial Plant…