Weekly Toll
How workers died last week: Heat, electrocution, falls, fire, explosions, coal mining, helicopter crash, vehicle incidents, stabbing, shootings. On average,…
A newsletter of workplace safety and labor issues
How workers died last week: Heat, electrocution, falls, fire, explosions, coal mining, helicopter crash, vehicle incidents, stabbing, shootings. On average,…
How Workers Died Over the Last Weeks: electrocutions, heat, lawn mowers, grain bin, aircraft, falls, construction, firefighting, vehicle incidents and…
Last Thursday, the Department of Labor held a Workers Memorial Day ceremony in Washington DC. OSHA’s family liaison, Tonya Ford…
Next Sunday is Workers Memorial Day when, in the words of Mother Jones, we take a minute to “mourn the…
How workers died last week: Machinery, drowning, crushed, stabbing, shooting, vehicle incidents. On average, over 100 workers are killed every…
How workers died last week: Two trenching fatalities, electrocution, falls, fires, public employee drowning, machinery deaths, shootings, stabbing, vehicle incidents.…
How workers died last week: Two trench collapses, electrocution, wood chipper, falls, shootings, stabbing, vehicle incidents, suicide. On average, over…
How workers died over the last couple of weeks: Two workers killed in trench collapses, worker crushed under 90,000-pound trailer,…
How Workers Died Last Week: Tree trimming, Falls, toxic chemicals, suicide, shootings, stabbing, machinery and vehicle incidents, On average, over…
How workers died last week: Falls, crushed by an excavator, machinery and vehicle incidents, explosion, electrocution. On average, over 100…