Just in time for Workers Memorial Day, the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (National COSH) has announced The Dirty Dozen employers of 2017, highlighting companies that put workers and communities at risk due to unsafe working conditions. National COSH chooses the “Dirty Dozen” by soliciting nominations from health and safety activists around the country.

Some of the more notable members of the list include Atlantic Drain Services which received a large OSHA citation earlier this month and TransAm Trucking, the infamous company that fired a freezing worker in a disabled truck for leaving his rig to warm up. Although the trucker got his job back, the TransAm Trucking case played a major role in the confirmation hearing of Neil Gorsuch who supported the company’s firing of the employee.

The “Dirty Dozen” for 2017 are:

Atlantic Drain Services Roslindale, MA: Two workers died in a trench; manslaughter indictments; new Boston ordinance to revoke permits for companies with poor safety records.

California Cartage Long Beach, CA: Death of a driver; serious violations in GA and CA; lack of machine safeguards, faulty brakes and other hazards.

Dedicated TCS, Lansing, IL: Worker died inside a confined space; company cited three times for similar violations; $226,000 in OSHA fines.

Dollar General Goodlettsville, TN: “A fire disaster waiting to happen”; over 100 citations and $1 million in fines for blocked exits; former Labor Dept. official calls for criminal prosecution.

Environmental Enterprises, Inc. Spring Grove, OH: Worker killed in a chemical explosion; OSHA describes a “complete disregard for employee’s safety”; indictment for involuntary manslaughter and reckless homicide.

Fuyao Glass America Dayton, OH: Workers exposed to broken glass without proper protection; 23 serious OSHA violations; extensive complaints from workers, who are exposed to risk of amputation.

Nissan USA Franklin, TN: Five workers dead in five years; $99,000 in proposed OSHA fines; workers say they fear losing their jobs if they report injuries.

Pilgrim’s Pride Greeley, Colorado: Death in a poultry processing plant; worker loses fingers because management “did nothing” to address amputation risk; exposure to toxic ammonia.

PrimeFlight Nashville, Tennessee: Exposure to blood borne pathogens; 22 OSHA violations in three years; OSHA cites conditions “likely to cause death or serious harm.”

TransAm Trucking Olathe, Kansas: “Frozen Trucker” fired for protecting his own safety; company wages seven-year court battle; Worker wins $280K in back pay.

Samsung Seoul, South Korea: 200+ serious illnesses, 76 deaths; refusal to disclose information, claiming “trade secrets”; secret plan to “dominate employees” and “punish leaders.”

Valley Garlic Coalinga, CA; X-Treme AG Kerman, CA: Four migrant workers dead after crash of illegal transport van; U.S. Dept. of Labor lawsuit; contractor enjoined from transporting agricultural workers.

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