Introducing a new occasional service of Confined Space: job announcements for health and safety or labor activists. We’re just getting started here, so I’m sure there are more out there.
If you want your job opening listed, send it to me at
The New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health is seeking an Associate Director to direct safety and health education, training, research, and advocacy work in the Metropolitan New York area. Candidate must be a self-starter, able to work independently and have a background in safety and health and labor. More here.
Worksafe in Oakland, California has an opening for an Occupational & Environmental Health Specialist who will contribute scientific and technical expertise to Worksafe’s policy advocacy and trainings, and spearhead their efforts to protect workers from chemical hazards and toxic substances. The deadline for priority consideration is 12/12. More information here.
The Labor Occupational Health Program (LOHP) in Berkeley, California is looking for a Coordinator of Public Programs who would develop training and outreach programs with a special emphasis on low-wage workers, immigrant workers and youth, build the capacity of worker leaders, unions and community organizations to promote and address health and safety, and create strong partnerships with key stakeholders including, labor, joint labor management programs, community-based organizations, public agencies, and policy makers. Applications will be accepted until December 14. More information here.
The University of Texas School of Public Health has a Research Coordinator position currently available for a 5-year project to implement an injury prevention clinical trial among Latino Day Laborers in Houston Texas. Interested candidates please contact for more information.