New Jersey Workplace Violence Case: DOL & OSHA Cave In
Which statement below represents reality? This one? NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES OF BRMC WORKPLACE VIOLENCE PREVENTION PLAN May 22,2017 Bergen Regional…
Death, Amputation and Interesting Times in Saipan
Not that you’d find it the homepage of its website, but OSHA issued a large press release earlier this week…
Wolf to Pigs: Don’t worry. I’ve got your backs.
I swear, sometimes I don’t know if I’m reading facts or farce. Bloomberg BNA reports that the Labor Department —…
Possum Blogging
Being as I am no longer gainfully employed in one of those jobs where you actually have to put on…
If CSB Swims with the Fishes; American People Suffer the Consequences
America, we have a problem. And it promises to get worse. 2 Killed in Explosion at West Virginia Industrial Plant…
Short Stuff: More Problems for Construction, Poultry Processing, Farms and Whistleblowers. So why doesn’t anyone want to work at DOL?
Do Not Pass go: The New York Times reports that “the owner of two Brooklyn construction companies was charged with…
Feds Crack Down on Arizona OSHA…For Now.
There are a couple of stories here. Recent headlines report on an OSHA letter warning Arizona OSHA that it is…
Don’t let Acosta or OSHA get away with these simplistic condescending tweets while they delay the silica and beryllium standards…
Weekly Toll: Memorial Day Edition
Owner killed in explosion PHILIPPI, WV — After further investigation of an explosion in Barbour County on Wednesday, the Occupational…
Public Employees: Too Late to be Concerned After a Death
The Massachusetts Senate has voted to expand the death benefit for public employees who die on the job to $300,000.…