Weekly Toll: Workplace Deaths
How workers died last week. Carbon monoxide, train collision, falls, logging, suffocation, coal mine, construction equipment, vehicle incidents, stabbing and…
A newsletter of workplace safety and labor issues
How workers died last week. Carbon monoxide, train collision, falls, logging, suffocation, coal mine, construction equipment, vehicle incidents, stabbing and…
How Workers Died Over the Last Weeks: electrocutions, heat, lawn mowers, grain bin, aircraft, falls, construction, firefighting, vehicle incidents and…
Somewhere close to 100 workers are killed in the workplace every week of the year. It’s a tragically normal thing,…
How workers died last week: Machinery, drowning, two forklift fatalities, shootings, vehicle incidents. On average, over 100 workers are killed…
How workers died last week: Two trench collapses, electrocution, wood chipper, falls, shootings, stabbing, vehicle incidents, suicide. On average, over…
How workers died last week: Two workers, including a teenager dies on farms, vehicle incidents, drowning, firefighting, stabbing, helicopter crash.…
How workers died last week: Workplace violence, mine building collapse, firefighting, drowning, tree care, shooting, vehicle incidents. On average, over…
How workers died last week: falls, machinery and vehicle incidents, forklifts, shootings, cranes, firefighting, grain auger. On average, over 100…
This is a tale of two systems: One where employees are protected by a law requiring them to be provided…
How workers died over the past few weeks: I was on vacation for a couple of weeks, so this is…