Weekly Toll: Killed In The Line of Duty
How workers died last week. Trench collapse, avalanche, crushed by a car lift, fall, fire, struck by a loose tire,…
A newsletter of workplace safety and labor issues
How workers died last week. Trench collapse, avalanche, crushed by a car lift, fall, fire, struck by a loose tire,…
How workers died last week. Carbon monoxide, train collision, falls, logging, suffocation, coal mine, construction equipment, vehicle incidents, stabbing and…
How Workers Died Over the Last Weeks: electrocutions, heat, lawn mowers, grain bin, aircraft, falls, construction, firefighting, vehicle incidents and…
Somewhere close to 100 workers are killed in the workplace every week of the year. It’s a tragically normal thing,…
How workers died last week: Machinery, drowning, two forklift fatalities, shootings, vehicle incidents. On average, over 100 workers are killed…
How workers died last week: Two trench collapses, electrocution, wood chipper, falls, shootings, stabbing, vehicle incidents, suicide. On average, over…
How workers died last week: Two workers, including a teenager dies on farms, vehicle incidents, drowning, firefighting, stabbing, helicopter crash.…
How workers died last week: Workplace violence, mine building collapse, firefighting, drowning, tree care, shooting, vehicle incidents. On average, over…
How workers died last week: falls, machinery and vehicle incidents, forklifts, shootings, cranes, firefighting, grain auger. On average, over 100…
This is a tale of two systems: One where employees are protected by a law requiring them to be provided…