Like OSHA, the Environmental Protection Agency has stopped issuing enforcement-related press releases. But the Public Affairs department at EPA has still managed to keep busy, partly by issuing press releases on what a wonderful person Scott Pruitt is and how everyone loves President Trump’s energy and environmental policies.
A few examples:
Job Creators, American Energy Producers, Farmers and Elected Officials Cheer Scott Pruitt’s Ascension to EPA Administrator, Release Date: 02/17/2017
The leader America needs, will bring a breath of fresh air to the post, someone at EPA who understands how farmers and ranchers care for our nation’s natural resources each and every day, most thoroughly vetted nominee for administrator in the history of the EPA, exceptional head of EPA, keen understanding of how compliance with the government fuel economy/greenhouse gas program depends on what consumers buy, not what automakers produce, recognizes that a clean environment and a vibrant economy do not have to be mutually exclusive, will restore balance to the way environmental regulations are developed, respect for the law and its limitations on a powerful bureaucracy, a clear signal that people, not politics, will be the top priority of his administration, sighs of relief coming from thousands of business owners, farmers, and citizens across the country, both capable and qualified for the role of EPA Administrator will bring a rational, constitutional, and federalist perspective to environmental stewardship, understands the need for a commonsense regulatory process that is based on sound science.
Looks like it’s unanimous. But wait, there’s…
MORE…What they are saying about Administrator Pruitt, Release Date: 02/18/2017
Pruitt is “an effective leader, a tremendous leader, an invaluable asset in resetting the agenda on environmental improvement, restore transparency and cooperative federalism among state governments and the farming communities they represent, leads EPA in a way to help ensure a safe and healthy environment alongside a strong and viable agricultural sector, understands the challenges states may face in implementing complex federal environmental requirements…”
But it’s not just Scott Pruitt who is saving mankind, the President is doing his part to save humanity as well:
What They Are Saying About President Trump’s Executive Order on Energy Independence, Release Date: 03/30/2017
From Shelly Moore Capito (R-WV), Matt Bevin (Gov-KY), Pat Morrisy (Atty General, WI), the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, American Petroleum Institute, American Public Power Association, Electric Co-ops, Indiana Coal Council, National Mining Association, Ohio Coal Association, National Association of Manufacturers, and U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
But wait, accolades are getting higher…
High Accolades Across the Country on Trump’s Energy Independence Executive Order, Release Date: 04/04/2017
Including from Pat Roberts (R-KS) and Mitch McConnell (R-KY). “It will save coal communities, lower gas prices, restore America’s constitutional system, help families, end the war on coal, return jobs and probably give you a massage after a hard day in the mines.”
The Sierra Club, Greenpeace Natural Resources Defense Council, Earthjustice and any Democrats must have been too slow to get their statements in … Oh, and the American people.
Maybe we don’t need press releases after all.
Maniacs…… They’ve elected maniacs: